
International Women´s Day is celebrated annually on March 8.

The idea of creating Women´s Day emerged between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in the United States and Europe, in the context of feminist struggles for better living and working conditions, and for the right to vote.
08 Mar 2023 min de leitura
International Women´s Day is celebrated annually on March 8.

The idea of an annual celebration arose after the Socialist Party of America organized Women´s Day, on February 20, 1909, in New York — a day of demonstration for the equality of civil rights and in favor of women´s suffrage.
During the International Socialist conferences for women in Copenhagen, 1910, Clara Zetkin suggested that Women´s Day should be celebrated every year, without, however, setting a specific date.
From 1913, Russian women began to celebrate the date with demonstrations held on the last Sunday of February. On March 8, 1917 (February 23, on the Julian calendar), while still in Imperial Russia, a large women´s march was organized in protest against high prices, unemployment and the general deterioration of living conditions in the country. Metallurgical workers ended up joining the demonstration, which lasted for days and ended up precipitating the 1917 Revolution. .

In 1975, March 8 was established as International Women´s Day by the United Nations. Currently, the date is celebrated in more than 100 countries — as a day of protest for rights or a sweet celebration of the feminine, comparable to Mother´s Day. In other countries, the date is largely ignored.

Source: Wikipedia
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